Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Couch Potato....

Konnor is the epitomy of a couch potato. When he was a baby I used to be one of those moms who said "I wont let my child watch tv too much...." well, that came back to bite me. Around the time he was 2 1/2 he started showing a tiny interest in cartoons, mostly elmo. This just so happened to be right at the time Cole showed up. I could really see telling him "no" when he asked for "emmo" as I was sitting all day with a newborn attached at the boob.
Elmo once of twice a day then turned into "Cars" a few times a day and the obsession began. For a while now its been mickey mouse in the morning, and a movie at nap. Once I started working evenings I noticed that daddy was allowing way more cartoon time....hmmm can you say easy way out....anyhoo. Now my child has totally become a couch potato!!! In some ways it is extremely helpful....I know I can fall back on the old movie to give me a breather...but I totally do not want him on the couch all day either. As soon as his eyes open in the morning he says the same two things EVERY day. 1> I wanna watch cartoons and 2.> I need a cup. (which is a WHOLE other issue)...he would sit and watch tv until lunch if I let him and then eat lunch and go up to his room and watch tv some more, then dinner and go to bed watching tv. I really have to put my foot down on it and tell him no, which he then acts like I am a murderer or something but geez!!! I think we will start letting it become a reward again and not a habit. The kid can be so lazy! In the mornings he wants DRY cereal, and milk in a SIPPY cup so that he doesnt have to come to the table, he can lay down and watch tv. He take a bite of cereal and a drink of milk....ugh. What have I done!!! anyway, Its a good thing that he is super smart or I would feel even worse. Now time for me to go turn off the tv and do a project with them....that way I will feel a little better....=)


Karla said...

Devin is the same way!! He would be a total couch potato if we let him.

LauraC said...

Don't feel bad, you have to do what you have to do to get through the crazy newborn days. Nate would be a couch potato also so we just keep the tv off and only turn it on specifically for his shows.

Mel said...

Analese is a bit of a TV addict too. I try to limit it, but there are days she gets more than I really want her to watch.

Janet said...

Hey! I know how you feel! Kaden LOVES his cartoons and asks for them as soon as he wakes up. "Momma, I want my milk, pop tart, and cartoons please!" (Pop tarts are a whole other bad mom topic though!) Since our kids are the exact same ages, I understand a little how you felt. I was so sick with MK's pregnancy that the only way I could survive was to turn on the tv and lie on the couch with puke breaks. :( I felt like I was ruining his life, but I could barely function and cartoons were easy. I too have said, I'm so glad Kade is smart. It doesn't make me feel as bad. Haha!

Anyways, I just want to encourage you that you are a good mom! That it's ok that he watches and likes tv. I think that if you think he watches too much then you are doing good to try and limit him. You do what you can, when you can. Some days, that means no tv and more activities. Other days, it means more tv. He is such a smart and well rounded kid and both of your boys are going to be better people because of the mom you are! Try not to worry about it. (I know easier said than done!)